
Pets on Q Survey

Your valuable insights matter to us! Answer a few quick questions, and you’ll
automatically be entered for a chance to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card.
What motivates you to provide animal talent services or be a pet creator? (choose all that apply)*
What challenges do you face in the current process of promoting your animal talent/pet and securing bookings? (choose all that apply)*
In what ways do you currently market your animal talent or pet that has been most effective? (choose all that apply)*
How comfortable are you with setting and negotiating prices for your services?*
How do you currently handle inquiries and communication from potential clients? (choose all that apply)*
How important is it for you to have access to educational resources to support your growth and development in the industry?*
What type of support or resources would be most beneficial to you in enhancing your skills and professionalism in the animal talent/pet creator industry? (choose one)*
How likely are you to use an online platform that offers educational resources, automated processes, and a broad audience of potential clients?*
How likely are you to recommend Pets on Q to others?*
How has the increasing use of social media and influencer marketing affected the demand for animal talent services from your perspective? (choose one)*
In your experience, how much does the demand for animal talent vary throughout the year or during specific events? (choose one)*
Which of these technologies do you think is most shaping the future of the animal talent industry? (choose one)*
What challenges have you faced, or seen others face, in adapting to new trends and technologies in the animal talent industry? (multiple select)*